Creating an Addiction Recovery Routine That Works For You

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]If you just completed a treatment program for a drug or alcohol addiction, you are now on your own in the real world. While this may be scary or overwhelming at times, it doesn’t have to be. One of the best ways to prevent relapse and move forward with your life is with a good sober routine.

Benefits of a Routine in Addiction Recovery

There are so many benefits to creating an addiction recovery routine. Often people get so caught up in drugs or alcohol that they lose themselves completely. When they leave treatment and have to start over again, it can be overwhelming, but a routine can organize this chaos.

Many recovering addicts also feel a void from no longer using. A healthy routine in recovery from addiction can not only fill this void but also avoid boredom, which can be a trigger for relapse. You will learn to replace bad habits with good ones that will leave you feeling better about yourself. When you are feeling healthier and happier you are less likely to relapse and more likely to appreciate being sober.

Tips to Create A Healthy Routine in Recovery From Addiction

As a luxury holistic rehab, we know that addiction recovery is a full mind and body struggle. In order to overcome your addiction and have long-term sobriety, you need to set yourself up for success outside of treatment and one of the best ways to do this is with an addiction recovery routine. Keeping a healthy recovery routine isn’t always simpler, but there are a few ways to make this easier.

Diet & Nutrition

A healthy diet and good nutrition are so important in recovery. Not only did you pump your body with harmful chemicals, but you also probably neglected your nutrition when you were at your lowest point. If you struggle with eating healthy, start by only buying healthier foods to remove temptation. Focus on eating healthier foods that you already love and slowly cut out the foods that are bad for you. Small changes are easier to deal with than larger ones. You can also keep a food journal to see exactly what and when you are eating.


Exercise is an important part of anyone’s routine but is especially important in addiction recovery. Years of heavy drug or alcohol abuse can have devastating effects on your body. While a drug detox may have removed the immediate toxins, your body still needs to heal. Pick an exercise that you enjoy like yoga, running, swimming, or any number of sports. You can even start slow, like walking with a friend before you move on to running. It is important to do this consistently so that your body can recover. It will also leave you feeling happy and healthier.


While a good night’s sleep and addiction recovery may not always go hand in hand, it is important to do your best to create a good bedtime routine. Try to go to bed early and wake up at a reasonable hour. Getting a good night’s sleep on a regular basis will help your mind and body feel refreshed. Having a consistent sleep schedule should also help with lingering sleep problems.

Support Programs

Just because you finished your luxury residential rehab program, doesn’t mean your recovery is complete. Sobriety is a life-long commitment and your addiction recovery routine should include programming to make sure you stay on track. There are plenty of support groups out there so try a few before finding one you like. You can even ask a trusted friend to go with you or ask group members to hold you accountable for attending.



While other parts of your recovery routine may feel like a chore sometimes, this is the fun part.  Fill the void left behind by your addiction with a fun and exciting new hobby. With so many activities out there, you are bound to find something you love. At first, spend your time trying different ones; then settle into one you enjoy. This hobby will keep you from being bored and may also give you a new sense of purpose.


Whether you are still struggling with addiction or recently relapsed, you can get help. At Seaside Palm Beach, our experienced and dedicated staff members are there to help people quit their addictions and achieve long-term sobriety. By calling 561-677-9374, you could be taking the first steps to your new future.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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